Thank You For Server Actions... They are Wonderful!

Hey Wappler Team - @Teodor, @George, @patrick

I am sitting here working with my largest server action…

… and it just really hit me how TOTALLY AMAZING the whole world of server actions is! :rocket:

It is so easy to create complex logic… to fold and unfold the parts that you need… to create conditions and loops… to choose to type or click… to follow the wonderful little icons with their different colour by eye and find the parts that you need… all without needing to know any php, just having some basic knowledge of the “Wappler Language”.

I am knee deep now in adding some complex logic to my largest server action which is over 400 lines long, and finding what I need to do and executing it is so so simple.

Thank you guys for creating such a great product!

Best wishes,


Agreed, the one thing I loathe though is nested conditions, here’s hoping one day switch case or if/else will be added to complement conditions.

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100% agree. In the same way that the new globals in server connect are great, but it seems necessary or at least a good idea to redo/tidy up old projects as a result. Similarly when if/else is implemented, there might be quite a few APIs which could be greatly streamlined. This would potentially involve more work, but probably won’t actually be necessary. The sooner we have this feature the better.


Hey guys, thanks for your feedback, but this post is a celebration of server actions!

Would you mind splitting off a discussion about your feature requests to a different thread?


I think we were agreeing with you, but think server actions could be even more wonderful…

There is already a [feature request for if/else etc.(Switch Case/Else-If Function in Server Connect). I did a search to find it and came across a another thread, indicating that 5 threads had been merged into 1; I expect many users want it. I’m sure it will be implemented soon, and will probably make life much easier for users who create elaborate APIs (like you) .


Every great power comes with great responsibility.

You should really be very careful to make large server actions. If those contain so much nested conditionals and repeats, you can easily loose track and make mistakes that are very difficult to find.

You really should empower separation of concerns and try to separate each task as a dedicated server action that does just that and not 1000 different conditional things at the same time :slight_smile:


Remember that some people don’t appreciate being told how to do things :stuck_out_tongue:

My SC files rarely exceed 20 steps. You shouldn’t need more. Even less now with the library feature.


Great input @George, thank you!

What I find interesting is that with the ease you can create and manage large server actions in Wappler, they can grow big very quickly and still be easy to maintain. I guess that is the main benefit I was explaining when I first wrote this post!

The questions then comes about:

  1. how big is too big for Wappler or your server.

  2. breaking things down for reusability.

I’m finding (2) very easy… I can turn part of a large SA into a separate SA and call it as an API very quickly now.

Am interested in views about (1)…!

:rofl: lol!

That’s a bold statement! :rofl:

I would have thought this was the main reason people would like the option to use if/else statements (not just Wappler users, but programmers/developers in pretty much any language).

I take your point about separation of concerns, but I don’t really think that makes the use of if/else redundant or is going to enable avoiding some pretty ugly ‘code’ in API files.