Template Engine Support For Wappler

Personally I think that a full blown template like TWIG or SMARTY is going to be an overkill. We already have a detached server side module and the only reason to have a PHP extension for our pages is when we use PHP code (like SSI’s) in our documents.

I may be putting myself off-side here, but my thoughts are far more simplistic. I have been using the Dreamweaver Template system combined with Framework Builder very successfully in the past (pre Wappler).

My idea is to be able to create a template of a page into which we only need to add the content.

To illustrate what I am doing at the moment, I have this template which I load into Wappler and rename as my page (e.g. index.php). I then add the content.

The template saves me having to remember to include all the bits and pieces that I require for my documents.

The problem that I have is when I need to modify the template. I make the change(s) in the template, but I also need to go to each of my web pages to make the same change(s).

Wouldn’t be great if we could create a site template and when we add a new page, we are asked if we want a blank page or use the site template. Wouldn’t it be great that when we make a change to the template, the change would automatically filter through to our child documents.

Just a thought. When replying, please remember that I am a frail geriatric. :wink: