Tailwind CSS support

Just a thought. Me personally happy with bootstrap. (I find tailwind easier to use but few google searches fixes any issues I have with bootstrap)
But thinking in terms of adoption, do you think having tailwind just as option would greatly help bringing people on board?
I know for me knowing wappler was bootstrap instead of tailwind, I was a bit put off by it, because of all the hype around tailwind, I just assumed bootstrap was bad due to lack of research by me. I assume a lot of people would be like that tho.

But then you’re just also adding another thing that needs to be maintained.

Nowadays we create layouts very simply with builders, One day Wappler may have a constructor like this

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I’ve not come across Shuffle before. Are the files it produces easy to bring into Wappler? I assume, as it’s all standard bootstrap classes, you just copy the files into the project and Wappler works happily with them? Can you still use the Wappler theme manager to adjust colours, etc.?

https://shuffle.dev/ :beers: :handshake:

Thanks for that. I already found the site and have had a good look at it but have these questions…

yes 100% compatible whit Wappler

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Just to be clear. If I used a template created in Shuffle, I can still use the Wappler Theme Manager to adjust all the bootstrap features like fonts, colours, borders, etc.?

No. Wappler uses it’s own json files to generate the css BS file.

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Thanks @JonL . That’s what I thought. I really like the look of Shuffle and the benefits it brings but I just know that there will be design changes needed which will be harder to implement. I love using the Theme Manager so would be keen to continue with that.

@AdrianoLuiz - what’s your process for making design changes later in a project’s development? Do you handcode in the CSS or SASS/LESS files? Do you go back to Shuffle and re-export the files and overwrite them in the Wappler project?

Sorry, lots of questions. TIA.

I do it directly in the code in wappler

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with doing it in code, is there a way to get tooling support for autocompletion within wappler?
Example vs code tailwind CSS intelisense?

Been working on a side with Headless UI and Tailwind.

Bumping this awesome request!

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On a side note, Vladimir Kharlampidi, the maker of Framework7 and Swiper, moved to Tailwind and created with Konsta UI an updated “version” / addon for Framework7 and Ionic using Tailwind.

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Missed that, but you could use Tailwind Elements, which is a “replacement” for the bootstrap components.

But as you said. @George, Tailwind was explicitely build with Frameworks like React, Svelte and Vue in mind, where you have re-usable components that are styled on code base, it’s a completely different paradigm, for regular HTML Frontend Dev, you end up with a “inline style” class mess or @apply orgies, with very limited benefits.


Ive actually changed my mind on this. I wanted tailwind in wappler, but after ive starting building seriously more.
Keeping my html clean is something im making more as a priority, which tailwind vast amount of classes needed can really make html verbose. And if i need something custom not already in bootstrap, making my own css classes really isnt an issue and then can make my html even cleaner.


I would only consider Tailwind because it allows finer tune via their utility classes which are more flexible than BS. With that in mind draggable bounds could be a thing in the design view.

But for the rest…in the end you are going to build a library of tailwind components.

Anyway I live in code view so I am not dragging anything anytime soon :joy:

That being said BS seems to be putting more
focus on utility classes so maybe for 6.0 it’s on par with Tailwind.

Tbh, Tailwind was never created as a replacement for BS or similar frameworks, as Tailwind simply doesn’t provide components, and that’s where it shines: it’s build to support modern component frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, you name it. Where a button component is a single element, you develop and style separately.

There’s a tailwind project, that resembles bootstrap components:

I personally believe that BS is sunsetting in the next couple of years. It has it days, like JQuery.

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@Teodor @George
Are there any plans whatsoever to integrate Tailwind? I’m asking because I’ve built part of our application with tailwind, but maintenance is extremely hard with Wappler because of the lack of support.

I understand you don’t want to commit, I just want to know if it’s even a thing you’re considering.
If not, then I’ll just rebuild it in bootstrap :slight_smile:

Tailwind is not really in our plans at the moment.

Thank you :slight_smile: Will just rebuild it then