Tags with Jquery?

I‘m wondering if there is a way to add TAG like that to a DB with Wappler as Checkboxes arent so sexy.


Also I think pros for Tags would be:

  • Better usage of space/arrangement
  • Autosuggest
  • Colouring
  • Subcategories better visible

The question is especially how to store that infos then, as maybe Json needs to be deserialized? Or maybe even store it as native JSON Mysql which is possible since v. 5.6?

Maybe that would help?:

Input Form:

<input type="text" name="tags[]" data-role="tagsinput" value="sport, politics, business">

Server Side smth like: ?


and backwards with encode to get output?? :thinking:

Hello @Freddy_Blockchain … I was studying too the tag page in your link!!

IT would be great to understand how to manage tags in Server Connect environment.

I m going to make an application with use of these tags

You should see tags just like a multiple checkboxes selection. And story it as such in two ways:

  1. As a single string field containing comma separated list of id’s

  2. As a separate joined table with primary Id, tag Id

I think we have those covered in the docs


Thank you @George!

Has anybody implemented this with text input Autocomplete properties ? typeahead.js does not work with wappler bs4.