Tag highlight in code view

I know that Wappler was built for non-coding, but I do like to get into the code quite a bit. Any possibility of highlighting the end tag or beginning tag after clicking on the beginning or closing tag. Say for instance a div. You click on the beginning tag and the ending tag is highlighted - alot easier to see the whole tag
highlighted versus the underline currently in place. One of the smallest features I liked about dreamweaver code view.

Some months ago, highlighting in Wappler was much clearer - the whole block was highlighted. I thought this worked very well but was changed for some reason. I agree that highlighting opening/closing tags would be a big improvement over the current underlining.

I don’t remember it highlighting the whole block but to add to this feature request it would be nice to double click the opening tag and select the whole block.

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Perhaps I’m thinking of the whole block being selected when a selection was made in App Structure. George explained the reason for this, but I still preferred it. Perhaps it could be an option in settings.

I like your double-click suggestion.