Switch Case/Else-If Function in Server Connect

The two feature requests have been merged :slight_smile:


I have not been able to attend for a long time due to too much workload. but it will be really comfortable to have this feature. Thank you guys

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Please add the use of switch case or else if into SC and AC. There is a real need, especially in complex projects.




Over 2 years on this one, is this ever going to happen or shall we just accept it is not and sulk


I know how you feel. One of mine Client-side image resizing was requested Oct 2018 and still no sign :frowning_face: despite having 45 votes.



Perhaps a factor in this feature being implemented (or not) is that @George feels it wouldn’t be useful or needed.

I don’t doubt there is some good advice here, but I don’t understand the point about nested conditionals. I expect one of the main reasons that people want else-if statements etc. is to avoid the need to use nested conditions - which are indeed difficult to manage.

It’s also been suggested there’s less need for this feature because we now have the library feature.

I would suggest there’s even more need for switch/else-if functionality, to increase the usefulness of the library feature. A particularly useful library file might be able to take a long list of parameters from different API files; what better way to handle these than with switch or else-if statements. The alternative at the moment would be to use some very clumsy code.

I was looking at a large chunk of code I maintain/develop (in a different environment). It contains over 1300 Else-If statements. I’m pretty confident these help to make the code better and easier to maintain, rather than the opposite. I sometimes consider the possibility of recreating this in Wappler; the thought would be a lot more appealing if this basic programming feature were available.

Anyway, I live in hope…


Got to agree with you on that

Do be able to say

switch( “expression” ) {
case “X”:
run library APIaction 1
case “Y” :
run library APIaction2
run library APIaction2
is the perfect compliment to library actions. Like you have have some actions into hundreds of lines liked with decoding some pretty big API responses with loads of nested if/ else statements and they make it really difficult to manage

Differences between switch case and if else;

I think it will help many users.

The inclusion of both would be great and make this aspect of Wappler much more powerful.

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+1 vote for Switch Case functionality

In the interim, could somebody explain how to do a nested condition? I am trying to create a login_redirect procedure by which depending on the role of the person logging in, I will redirect her to different pages, see example below:

But the nested condition is not working the way I set it.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hello Jay

For a redirect, there is a special step of the server action, which is called a Redirect. Here is a simple example of a redirect after authorization:

Thanks! Is there a way to nest redirects? I have 6 user roles to redirect to 6 different pages.

Just remember this if using node…

Sure. If you refer to your screen, then instead of Set Value, you need to put Redirect. I’m also not sure if the condition is correct. Did you write it manually or create it using the Wappler interface? It just seems that the correct condition should be a record like: {{current_user[0].role == 'admin'}}

The current_user table itself should be filtered based on the user ID, which, judging by your screenshot, you take from Globals.

If this is the case, then this server action will redirect users according to their role to different pages.

This is not correct for a single query. It does not return an array, so there is no index to reference.

However, this option works correctly. I just checked in my server action and removed the index reference and the condition stopped working.