Swiper question

My swiper appears to be fine in Wappler’s preview, but when I load the page I only get two images stacked vertically. Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

Also, how can I get a showcase example safely into Wappler? For example this one: https://showcase.wappler.io/SwiperFullscreen/ … I created a new page in Wappler, went into the source cleared all and pasted the source into this new page and then everything went sideways. My main index.php suddenly had the same information as my new page!? Fortunately the undo function worked.

Thanks in advance and best regards - Dick

Probably some of the required js/CSS files are not uploaded to your server. You can easily check this by opening the browser console.

Make sure to upload the missing files there.

Hi Teodor, that’s it … it’s looks like it’s sometimes a good idea to publish the whole site instead of just saving the page your editing.

Another question; how can I ad ad images (url) from a api data source to a swiper?

Thanks again and best regards - Dick

This happens often if you have a target selected, make some changes and then select a different target; the changes you made on the previous target won’t be populated on the new one until you do a redeploy/upload.