Summernote - php build images

Okay so I am fairly new to Wappler and have watched videos and dove into these community forums and I can’t find where someone had the same thing happen to them.

I have a form built on BS4 since SN won’t go in on BS5. I have added the image server API

Yet when I click on image upload the image doesn’t appear in the summernote area but it does upload. I even added resizing, and the images are NOT resizing.

Here are the options showing it is an image upload.

The amount of files this thing needs to run is insane but just in case. Here is SS1

And SS2 which I didn’t include some of the lang files. Speaking of, can we remove these since we only need English?

Here is a video of the behavior.

If there is anything I missed that might be causing this, any help is appreciated.

Hi Richelle, what version of Wappler are you using? I have SN text areas in my latest BS5 project. Maybe it’s only beta channel, I’m not sure.

I am running 6.3 Stable.
My text goes in without issue but image upload does not.

I have never used the image features but maybe this topic will help?

Thank you for your help. I saw that one it isn’t the same issue that I could see.

I have been playing with this part for over a week. Accessibility is a must since we work with a lot of law enforcement. I may have to move back to ckeditor which we have used.

May be worth trying the beta channel first? Seems to work in my tests. Also make sure all your files are uploaded to your local server?

Video is Bootstrap 5 with beta extensions turned on.

Works fine on my tests too.
Can you share the code of your page?
Also @brad point is true, try beta channel as all the fix went there

This is a known thing:

So most run beta?

Thanks for the info. Will try it.

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The beta channel will be moved to stable very soon. It’s on Release Candidate 2 for App Connect. And most of the fixes in the last few months have been to beta channel only.

Best to test beta channel now while you can still switch back before it moves to stable. Of course make sure you have back ups as always.

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Got it. I swapped over and it still didn’t resolve it. If I put in a url, it works. I can also upload a file from a file field so I don’t think it is an upload issue I am not sure where to even start looking to troubleshoot this. Any ideas?

What about the properties of the summernote element? The options?
Can you share the code?
Maybe recreate a page and share it with us?

You guys are great. So when I uploaded to send you guys something to test it worked. So there must be something that I am missing in my local testing environment that prevented it from working.

Thank you for all the help though. :blush:

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