Stripe - How do I bind client_secret?

Ah this is interesting. Your image is different to mine:

Which part is different sorry?

ah never mind.. you had Automatioce payments opened and that through me off. Trying now

bingo!!! that works!!!

Any reason why the form is showing in Wappler but not on my browser? I successfully sent a payment from Wappler but can't seem to get the form showing on my page

Please always test everything in a real browser, not from within Wappler!

Again - check the console

okay all fixed!! it didnt like the row it was in ahah.

Thank you for all your help Teodor! Very much appreciated. I hope this thread helps someone else as I have been battling with this for 2 days

Just one more question re the button:

Where did you get this from? dmx-on:click="stripepayment1.confirmPayment({confirmParams:{return_url:''}})"

Is stripepayment1.confirmPayment() a built in wappler/stripe funciton> How do I set a dynamic value for the URL?

There seems to be a little bug in the UI, that you don't see the confirmPayment parameters, which will be fixed in the next updates.
Reported here:

It should appear when you add the dynamic event on the button

Okay great - so I will be able to use routing url for this on the next update?

Add the missing options for the confirmPayment method action in the UI

You can check stripe docs about what you can use in the returnurl option:

It returns something like:

the ids you get back can be used to get additional information from stripe to show the user.

Actually if you call an inline flow instead of a dynamic action, you can see the options for the confirm payment:

you can use this instead of a dynamic action.

Legend, thank you!!

How would I run a server action once payment confirmation has been confirmed? It takes me to the return URL but before that I want it to update some database records if the payment is a success