SSL Error connecting to remote DB

Hi George,

I really appreciate you looking into this and I’m sorry it took so long to get back to you. I spent all day Sunday and Monday trying to get this to work (there may be some other issues but I’ll test them separately and post if i need to)

Anyway, Linode managed databases need to be SSL and you can’t access the root or issue a new certificate as far as i can tell.

I’ll be moving to using Resource Manager to create and manage a standalone DB server on Linode anyway and migrate off of the managed DB.

One thing though was there a change in Wappler between 5.8x and 6.2 that stopped supporting older self-signed certificates?

Well it is not really Wappler - but all underlying SSL libraries have been updated to prevent malicious attacks, so it is part of broader security updates.

Ok, no worries. Thank you anyway.

I think i have it all sorted now