Sql Express missing 3.7.7

Updated to 3.7.7 windows 10, now I can’t see a database that was microsoft sql express. It doesn’t appear in the dropdown now?

And I’m not able to make queries in the server connect.

For sql express you just choose Microsoft SQL Server - is same driver

if I open the connection from here: then it says its ok

But when I try to open an existing server connect

If I try to add a new server connect

Ya, I was reporting the same here.

For my project it was the missing sql native driver, and the one available in the list doesn’t work for direct connect.

@george where you able to reproduce the problem? Or do i need to get more specific on the details? Looked like there was another post that might be similar.

@george I did the 3.7.8 update. didn’t solve my issue, same thing.

What is your active target? And what server model?

asp classic and here is the target, but not sure if this is the info you need.

I attach to two different databases. One is express and one is regular full sql server.

And do you have a working direct database connection to it in the database manager?

I’ve never been able to get the database manager to work it wouldn’t recognize my schemas correctly so I just use my regular database tools. I connect to this site through a vpn tunnel versus using FTP for security reasons. So its a local connection technically because I am attached to the network through a hard wired VPN tunnel.

If I click on the database up here it shows it correctly. And if I hit test it connects successfully.

Unfortunately Database Manager is now required. So you really should be able to get it to work.

This connection test and works

When I choose it in database manager I put in the same settings and it won’t attach.

@George Do you want a separate topic for my issue? php project with sql native now broken because the available sql option in db manager does not work.

I"m getting these errors too when trying to connect

No the SQL Driver is unrelated, I will reply in the other topic

So what did you enter as options in the database manager? Seems he is not able to get connection to your database.

You should define there a direct connection and test it

correct that’s what I’m saying. I enter the exact same credentials to the direct connection and it doesn’t work.

One of those errors says something about config.server property is required and must be of type string. Do I have a setting somewhere not set right?

Is there a way to track the errors to upload a copy of those? Use restart with logging or something?

Could you send me test credentials to the database in a PM so I can check it directly?

Ok, I have finally resolved this issue so I thought I would post my solution.

Ok so it seems that before wappler would talk to this as a database connection instance, and then once the database manager came along it would no longer talk to this. It comes down to the way microsoft IIS sql has two ways of being setup either a “default” instance setup or a “named” instance setup. There would be a choice when its installed I guess, and or perhaps sql express doesn’t have the option of being just a default instance setup. As I wasn’t able to change the way it reacted. So I moved the database to a full SQL server install. Ran into same problem couldn’t connect from wappler. It was because it was setup as a named instance also. There are several work arounds such as creating another instance etc. But I was basically able to change the dynamic IP port binding to set it to 1433, which allowed it to answer to either the named instance or the default instance Here is the article that shows what I did. Thought I would share in case someone else had the same problem.


another one: