Split(php explode) by new line in server connect


I’ve got a string that I want to explode into an array.
The raw data comes with a new line character as part of the string \r\n
I’ve tried several ways of escaping the characters but no luck yet.

Any ideas?

Hey Jon,

How about a custom formatter using php explode?


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You can use the splitter formatter to split the lines and then loop through those and split on separator

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I thought of that, but I noticed that the split formatter in SC(php) already uses explode so I thought maybe I wasn’t correctly escaping characters or at least not how SC would expect. I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel.

function formatter_split($val, $delimiter) {
    return explode(strval($delimiter), strval($val));

Can you elaborate on that approach?

I’ve got the following string(It’s longer but for the example purpose I’ll make it short).


I need to split on \r\n and I’ve tried every kind of combination I thought of but I can’t seem to escape correctly " \ " with the SC .split() function. I also tried to splitting on just \n and \r to no avail.

Well you should be able to split on \n\r

No need to escape the \ character

Some progress.

I literally split by a new line. Literally.



Now I need to be able to target \r which I can’t seem to find the way to do it.

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While I wait to see if it can be done from Core I created a custom formatter for this.

I used preg_split instead of the regular explode as I want to catch all cases (\n and \r\n). @mebeingken

function formatter_splitme($val) {
    return preg_split('/\n|\r\n?/', $val);


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The problem with \r\n using the UI are fixed in Wappler. Also a custom formatter can be used when you want to use a regexp for the split, as you already replied yourself.

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Can someone please point me to the documentation for custom formatters?
