Source map error: Failure to load resources node.js after switching from local bootstrap to cdn and back to local


I am now getting an error on one of may pages.

It started to occur when I swapped form local bootstrap to CDN and then back to local.

Local is set and the headers are in the page but I get the following errors and now the local css style is not showing and it is correctly referenced in the page.

No matter what I do I can not get this to work again and it is driving me nuts.

So is this a bug?

OS info

  • Operating System : Mac OSX 10.15.4
  • Wappler Version : 3.0.0-beta.2

see attached.

Adding more detail in browser error fro files listed.

Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404
  • The files exist.
  • Clicking on the link in the error console takes you to the correct file.
  • App connect is connected
  • Bootstrap local connected

It appears that in the process of changing the source for the bootstrap local to cdn and then back again Wappler has lost the “Mapping” to those files even when the correct headers and referenced files are included in the page and exist.

Anyone have any idea How I fix this and get wappler to map the files correctly?

Adding to this, when I restart the node server I get the following which began "changing the source for the bootstrap local to cdn and then back again "

Can you open the website on a browser and check the network tab of the devtools to see the full path of where it’s looking for the files?

HI @JonL so the only indication I get is this:

 Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404
Resource URL: http://localhost:3000/bootstrap/4/js/popper.min.js
Source Map URL:

Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404
Resource URL: http://localhost:3000/bootstrap/4/js/bootstrap.min.js
Source Map URL:

Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404
Resource URL: http://localhost:3000/dmxAppConnect/dmxSummernote/dmxSummernote.js
Source Map URL: ../maps/

Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404
Resource URL: http://localhost:3000/dmxAppConnect/dmxDatePicker/daterangepicker.min.js
Source Map URL: /sm/

They don’t affect your website I believe. I think you can safely ignore them.


So I removed the style.css reference manually then added it back in with Wappler and those notices have now gone from the browser and the custom css style.css file is now working again, but I still get these inside Wappler design view.

Any idea how I can make them go away / turn them off to be ignored?

Or are some of these important ? I would have thought AppConnect?

Well…those are a bit more important than source maps :slight_smile:

Do you get those errors only in the design view? Not in the external browser?

Yep only in Design view not in the browser anymore.

When I reload the node server I get this:

All the Node packages are fine no errors all up to date, so looks like a wappler file mapping issue?

Can’t help with that I am afraid. It needs to be checked by Wappler team. Weird that the browser finds the files but the internal one doesn’t.

yeah I know… nothing in the browser at all anymore except a 404 on the fav icon.

Only started happening when I went back and forth with the bootstrap local to cdn and back.

Ok this might provide a clue

I put debug on and remove app connect and put it back using project settings and got this.

	Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read at Object.readSync (fs.js:537:3) at tryReadSync (fs.js:352:20) at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:389:19) at Object.dmxDWApiBridge.readString
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/dmxDWApiBridge/dmxNWApiBridge.js:8:41652) at e.dmxDWApiCallJsBridgingFunction
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/dmxDWApiBridge/dmxNWApiBridge.js:8:214) at Object.readString
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/dmxDWApiBridge/dmxDWApi.js:8:13783) at selectActionsTree
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/dmxServerConnect/index.htm?theme=dark&app=true:1031:14) at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous>
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/dmxServerConnect/index.htm?theme=dark&app=true:1442:9) at HTMLDivElement.dispatch
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/jQuery/jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:42571) at HTMLDivElement.v.handle
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/jQuery/jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:40572) at Object.trigger
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/jQuery/jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:70627) at k.fn.init.triggerHandler
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/jQuery/jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2:71306) at l.jstree.plugins.fontawesome.trigger
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/jsTree/jstree.js:8:12238) at l.jstree.plugins.fontawesome.<anonymous>
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/jsTree/jstree.js:8:51440) at l.jstree.plugins.fontawesome.set_state
(chrome-extension://fjjllfpmlaejicjkpknbdicdakiijgjp/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/jsTree/jstree.js:8:50250) at l.jstree.plugins.fontawesome.set_state

Not sure what do you mean by “I put debug on” but it looks like something is not properly setup.

Something is wrong with your project setup or file / folder structure probably.
Please provide a screenshot of the files structure of your project where we can clearly see where the html file is located.

I think I broke Wappler :scream:

Highly possible to break your project/files if you manually move/delete/change files and/or includes on the page …

Nope didn’t do any of that! I just did as described in the original post!

Here is the files view

Please also provide a screenshot of what’s in your page <head> .... </head> tags when you are in code view.