SocketClosedUnexpectedlyError: Socket closed unexpectedly

Hi Apple, I’m using a Managed Redis Server for prod (and this was working until the recent 1 or 2 updates).

I followed @George instructions at the bottom of this post: Setting up Managed Redis External DB for prod - having issues, please help! for configuration, which results in the configuration needing to be different to that in your image.

I use redis://redis for the Doker Redis setup.

George this is turning out to be the same issue as before now (as per the linked post that was marked as fixed) - I am now unable to receive a ‘green’ indicator on production when trying to deploy using a Managed Redis Server. I have setup Redis exactly as per your guidance in that post.

If I change from remote redis in Wappler settings to Docker, then the app deploys to production fine and without issue.