Small bug - Wappler 4.0 - docker check fails if you start the new installed Wappler first

On Mac OS 11.4

After you install the new Wappler 4 and you open a project that includes a docker setup Wappler will ask you if it should check the system setup.

If your answer with yes it will perform a check and identify the docker as not installed (but it is).
It will try to install and fail.

But if you just stop Wappler, start docker first, then start Wappler it will start with the message docker is correctly installed.

So I guess in the system check Wappler should try first to start the docker before installing it… actually no clue - just a logic guess :slight_smile:

Its only a small one but could cause problems for users that are not familiar with docker setups.

Otherwise an amazing product just got better - Wappler 4 - rocks!


Already reported here: Docker installed, no its not, System Check repeats

Will be fixed in today’s minor update.


ha sorry we search for Docker and it did not pop up - anyways good it will be solved :slight_smile:

Fixed in Wappler 4.0.1

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