Show Password Text on password input

Some sites have a button. to show text on password field. Is this achievable withe Wappler?

In particular I have a Mobile App that requires login and it appears that some devices automatically capitalize the first character causing the log in to fail.

Hi Brad, check: Show/Hide Password on Registration

But also, why not use the lowercase formatter for registration (email/username) and then for login?

Because that’s the problem. Passwords are being entered in Lowercase but the device automatically capitalizes the first character.

I will check out that topic, thank you!

Hi @brad you can use a formatter for that in your input like this:

<input type="text" class="form-control" id="test" name="password"

Yes, but what if the password has capital letters? I think in my case it’s easier just to show the password.

ha i thought you wanted it to be all lowercase :sweat_smile:

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Thanks Patrick!!! :beers: