Show HTTP/API Response


I want to show the entire HTTP/API Response in a paragraph inside a page, but I get this:


How can I show the full response?

If you are using NodeJS, you can try: {{json(}}

Hello sid,

No, I am using PHP with this:


Well what’s the exact response returned by your server action?

Only option for PHP I can think of, is to create a client-side custom formatter.

It is a JSON response.

I want all of that in a page.

So which part would you like to show exactly on the page and how should it be formatted/displayed there?

The entire response as shown above as simple text or formatted as JSON so that I do not have a single line.

Then you can do this, as sid suggested - wrap your expression in json(), like {{json(}}


It works! Thank you!

Didn’t know JSON function worked for PHP as well. Good to know.
I assume here that client-side AppConnect JS is same for all server modals - since its JS - never thought of it like that. :sweat_smile:

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