Show a default image if no image exists in the database

I know this is an older thread but I have a question in direct context to it so I thought I’d pitch in here - hope that’s OK…

Is there an option to show something if the condition hasn’t been met? I have a db record that may or may not show an image, I’m using a conditional region to show an image if the image name exists in a DB field, however Id like to show a default image if there is no DB field present.
I’m thinking something instead of having: is=“dmx-if” then can we have: is=“dmx-elseif”

For images you don’t need a conditional region.
Just a dynamic image source and use the default formatter. Example:


heres what I’m using for the dynamic image:
<img class="card-img-top rounded img-fluid img-thumbnail" src="" id="card1" width="100px" height="100px" dmx-bind:src="'/images/articles/'+ArticleImageURL.default('/images/apple-icon-72x72.png')" dmx-bind:alt="ArticleAuthor">

This works fine for all records that have image data in the field, however If the ArticleImageURL field is empty I’m getting a missing file in its place…

What do you mean by empty? Is it an empty string or is it null?

It’s an empty string

Try using:

dmx-bind:src="ArticleImageURL ? '/images/articles/'+ArticleImageURL : '/images/apple-icon-72x72.png'" 


dmx-bind:src="ArticleImageURL != '' ? '/images/articles/'+ArticleImageURL : '/images/apple-icon-72x72.png'" 
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Both of them worked @Teodor …!

Many thanks for that, I’ve been banging my head against the wall for three hours with this one!

Really appreciate your help.

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I’m getting an issue in the version of Wappler (4.9.0) around the default image.

I have the following condition;

This works correctly in the live preview mode within Wappler but if I view in web browser none of the images show and in the page inspector there is no dynamic data that should be showing the name of my image.

If I used as suggested by Teodor;
dmx-bind:src=“image_name ? ‘…/imageuploads/sm_’+image_name : ‘…/imageuploads/nopic.png’”

Everything works correctly but is not achievable without hand coding which is exactly what I don’t want to have to do in Wappler…

any ideas what I’m doing wrong.

Sorry but is this working or not?

And if it’s not working, then what’s the problem exactly?

This does not work;
‘…/imageuploads/sm_’+image_name.default(‘nopic.png’) in web browser but works in live preview mode Wappler. The above is generated by Wappler using dynamic attribute > image source > data bindings > data format.

This works but has to be hand coded…
dmx-bind:src=“image_name ? ‘…/imageuploads/sm_’+image_name : ‘…/imageuploads/nopic.png’”

Well the .default formatter is used for different purposes. You can build the working expression logic also using the formatter and the ternary operator.

OK, thanks