I tried again and double checked both project files stated the same >=18 but still get 16.20.2 when checking heroku version.
@George - any thoughts?
I tried again and double checked both project files stated the same >=18 but still get 16.20.2 when checking heroku version.
@George - any thoughts?
This is now improved in Wappler 7 beta 13
Awesome thank you!!
Many thanks, will do some testing later and report back.
Im guessing Im doing something wrong because:
I updated the package.json file to be
"node": ">=18",
then deployed the release and still got the same version information:
C:\Users\nmund\OneDrive\Documents\Work\EnienApp2>heroku version
heroku/9.5.0 win32-x64 node-v16.20.2
Help please,
Heroku seems to have a different notation and not supporting the >= try entering just:
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