Server Side Title Not Rendering in NodeJS SPA

Wappler Version : 3.3.5
Operating System : Windows 10

Expected behavior

Page title should change as per the SPA page opened using the server side rendering.

Actual behavior

Title remains as the page that was opened.

How to reproduce

I have created a “Template Data” variable - title - in my layout page and bound the page title to that.

Layout Page:

In all my content pages, I have set a custom title value.

If I open the website to a specific content page, that title is shown in the browser. When I click any links to go to another content page, the title does not change.
But if I hit refresh on that page, the title gets loaded for the current page. Again, now going to any other page does not change the title.

Yes that is how it is supposed to work. The server side rendering obviously works only on full refresh and not on partial refresh.

For partial refreshes just add the new page title on the internal link as title attribute or use the browser goto action and give it as parameter.

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What does this mean? Can you please explain? Probably with screenshots.

Why doesn’t the anchor tag have this option also? Is it a system limitation of some sort?

@George Can you please explain how to fix the title issue?

Well just enable the internal attribute on a link:

and add a dynamic attribute for the title:

the resulting code will be:

<a class="nav-item nav-link" href="/page2" internal dmx-bind:title="'my page title'">Page 2</a>

This title I have used quite a bit… like tooltip… as its designed for.
Didn’t think that would be usable in this manner.

Thanks a lot. Its working now. :slight_smile: