Server error 500 due to wrong checkbox setup?

When I use the extensive form block which includes a checkbox, I get a 500 server error.
(field tinyint(1) in my DB). What should my checkbox setup be: static value 1 or else in the dynamic events for sending ‘1’ or ‘yes’ to my DB?

Having checkbox value of 1 should be fine.

You should reveal the real error behind error 500, see:

Thank you!
It reveals this, which is weird since this hash method worked well 2 days ago before version 3.7.2.
And my web server PHP version is 7.3.6.
(Server: Localhost via UNIX socket | Server type: Percona Server | DB server version: 5.6.41)

I do already have argon2i hashed password in my DB from the same form, generated 2 days ago:

What happened?

Well if the error says you are running PHP less than 7.3.0 - than it is so … as it checks the real version.

For argon2i you need PHP greater or equal to 7.2.0
for argon2id you need PHP greater or equal to 7.3.0

Yes I’ll change the crypto method to 2i to get rid of this major block.
Although please note the operation did accept 2id two days ago as evidenced here:

Thanks anyway

Just check your installed PHP version - you can run a phpinfo file to be sure

Thanks for your patience George.
It was indeed not 7.3 so the service provider did an immediate upgrade.
Now my 2id hash works well again :+1:

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