Sendmail action error

I have some sites made with older versions of Wappler that use send email actions.
Now with the new version of Wappler I had to modify some configurations of a site and by changing the method with the setting of the mailer in the Global section, the email sender no longer works and reports me an error that I cannot understand, also because the files are present on the server
Where am I wrong?

Schermata 2021-03-09 alle 22.17.21

So what’s the exact error message?


It seems that the formtoemail.php file is not found
But it is strange because the file is present on the server

Follow the article I sent you, it explains where to click exactly to see the error message.

This is result

The first error does not report anything in preview
The second carries this description

code: 2 file: "D:\home\\httpdocs\dmxConnectLib\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer.php" line: 1684 message: "Could not execute: /usr/sbin/sendmail" trace: "#0 D:\home\\httpdocs\dmxConnectLib\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer.php(1599): PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer->sendmailSend('Date: Wed, 10 M...', '...')↵#1 D:\home\\httpdocs\dmxConnectLib\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer.php(1437): PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer->postSend()↵#2 D:\home\\httpdocs\dmxConnectLib\modules\mail.php(132): PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer->send()↵#3 D:\home\\httpdocs\dmxConnectLib\lib\App.php(195): modules\mail->send(Object(stdClass), '')↵#4 D:\home\\httpdocs\dmxConnectLib\lib\App.php(127): lib\App->execSteps(Object(stdClass))↵#5 D:\home\\httpdocs\dmxConnectLib\lib\App.php(116): lib\App->exec(Object(stdClass), false)↵#6 D:\home\\httpdocs\dmxConnectLib\lib\App.php(94): lib\App->exec(Object(stdClass))↵#7 D:\home\\httpdocs\dmxConnect\api\mail\send_email.php(8): lib\App->define(Object(stdClass))↵#8 {main}"

Are you sure your server has a default send mail component installed and you can use it?
Screenshot 2021-03-10 at 12.13.35

I’m not sure, but with some previous version, I had set “Server Default” and everything worked
Maybe some files have been deleted?
How do I check on the server if it exists?

Seems that the default mailer is wrong, here an update. Unzip the file in dmxConnectLib/modules. (1.4 KB)

Thanks Patrick
the change cleared the error, even if the other error is still reported (canceled)

Are you sure you are not submitting the form twice? How are you running the form on the page?

I checked and saw that a strange thing occurs
In the Global / Mailer there are two files, mail and mail1
If I delete mail1, when I go out and then reopen Wappler I find both of them. Maybe that’s the problem

I was referring to your page. Check there if you are not submitting your for twice, or just send us a link to check this.

The page only sends once
The form is in a modal
The link that calls the modal is this

<a href="#" dmx-on:click="" data-toggle="modal">

In the Modal the code is this

What is the success event there on your form? What is it doing?

Can you send a link to your page please?

Message sent

As i suggested, on your page you are trying to submit the form twice.
You need to remove the onclick event from your submit button.

<button type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="btn btn-success" dmx-on:click="modal_send_email.form_SendEmail.submit()">Invia richiesta</button>

It’s wrong to have this on a submit button. The submit button itself submits the form, so you should not be using this onclick event there to submit the form.

Here’s where the problem was
It had been configured this long ago with a version of Wappler from then. Everything has always worked out well
Then, having to change some things, I reopened with the new version of Wappler and I didn’t think about this
Thanks so much