Select dmx-on:changed doesn't run function but dmx-on:blur does

Thanks again @sid.

This works perfectly and is definitely a much cleaner solution. I do need that flow elsewhere so I left it as and external flow and passed the parameters.

<select id="select_tb" class="form-control" dmx-bind:options="" optiontext="title" optionvalue="tripbit_id" dmx-bind:value="tripbit_id" dmx-on:changed="{tripbit_id: value, public_id: public_id})"><option value="">Select a Tripbit</option></select>

<script is="dmx-flow" id="flow_image_update" type="text/dmx-flow">{
  meta: {
$param: [
  {type: "number", name: "tripbit_id"},
  {type: "text", name: "public_id"}
  exec: {
steps: {
  runJS: {
    function: "updateImage",
    args: ["{{$param.public_id}}", "{{$param.tripbit_id}}"],
    name: "update_image_flow",
    output: true
catch: {
  bootbox.alert: {title: "Alert", message: "Something went wrong"}
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