Select all or more rows from the database to delete

It’s sending the data correctly


It’s a bug @patrick ??

Confirmed… new bug.

I don’t like that the array isn’t indexed. Try setting a dynamic id for each check box so that the returned array has indexes.

How do I set the id dinamically? there’s no option for that

Unfortunately, I also don’t understand why Wappler doesn’t always allow you to set a dynamic id for an element. Even when it is clearly necessary. In your case, this should be done, even if it does not help with the problem in the server action. Simply because if you don’t set dynamic IDs for checkboxes, the browser will constantly generate warnings.

So, if you need to set a dynamic id for an element, just use this expression in the element tag: dmx-bind: id=" 'checkbox_idRecord' + $index" (you can come up with your own outgrowth inside quotes).

I also recommend setting a unique key for records in the table settings:

This is necessary in case you are going to filter the table entries. Without a unique code, your checkboxes and entries will be confused and correlated incorrectly when applying filters. The unique code will help prevent this and the check boxes will work correctly when applying filters.

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