S3 Sign Upload URL Not Working After 7.0 Beta 1 Extension Update

Wappler Version : 6.8.0 with 7.0 beta 1 extension update
Operating System : N/A
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: AWS

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

After the 7.0 beta 1 extension update, my app should work as it did before.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?
The S3 Sign Upload Url function fails with the message (in the console):

SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at s.upload2 (s3Upload.js:249:1)
    at t.onload (s3Upload.js:242:1)

How to reproduce

Try it out...

(it may be AWS Toolkit dependent, here is my composer file:)

  "require": {
    "aws/aws-sdk-php": "3.321.11",
    "aws/aws-crt-php": "^1.2.6",
    "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "7.9.2"

(No worries about fixing it rapidly, I've gone back to 6.8.0 project files and all is working well!)

This sounds to me like some empty value being sent. How is the step causing the error set up?
Also nothing has changed in the S3 components in the last 2 beta updates.

We use S3 Uploads and are using the latest Beta and all is well and good Antony.

The Key field is a Set Value variable called "file_name". It is created over a few steps of other Set Value commands which make it virtually impossible to be empty.

Honestly, I just reverted to a version with the 6.8.0 project files and all works well, and with the beta 1 files version it gives this error...

The error you see occurs because the JSON.parse is trying to parse a string that is not valid JSON or is incomplete/empty.
This could be your key indeed you can try to check if it really returns a value and if yes -what is it exactly.

I've just replaced the dmxConnectLib and dmxAppConnect folders in my beta 1 version of my app with the ones from the 6.8.0 version and everything now works just fine...

That is useful info @Cheese ...

I know that S3 is very AWS SDK dependent, so maybe we are using different SDKs... which is why I put my SDK version in there for Patrick to know about.

Also, one major difference is we are running Node, not PHP... Every bit of information helps in one way or another, helps the Team debug.

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Did you have the same aws-sdk version installed in Wappler 6 and 7?

I’m believe it is using the one that aws elastic beanstalk places in the vendors folder under instruction from the config file I showed…

And that config file is the same in each case.