Routing problems

So… I’m having some problems with my files…

I don’t understand very well how routing works, but the app is looking for a file in a wrong directory.

Check out, the files needed are in the main folder, but the app is looking for them in the partials folder directly (or the dmxConnect). The app should go to the main folder and afterwords lookup for the directory.

Can you show us your Routes tab from the left-hand menu?

Hi, this is my routing tab… Which I really can’t understand completely…

The problem is that the main route of the page is localhost:8888/DashboardBTS

The index.html page is looking for the files here:

(DashboardBTS route is missing)

Have you followed the tutorial here:

You are missing a route for your home page. Also make sure in your site settings your links are set to ‘Site Root’ not ‘Document’.

I read it completely, but i don’t know how to use it in this case really, I tried to but it didn’t work

I also suspect the site setup / local folder / site URL could also be wrong.

That should not be a problem - it works fine with both.

I’ve got this settings

Change the links to page relative, save your page and preview in the browser.
All seems to be fine on your screenshots.

I’ve already tried that. I tried again and the error persists.

Do the errors persist if you load the link without routing? I.e. directly the link to the login.html?

I deleted the login routing, but the error persist. The login route I created for other purpose (using the login page as the index page of the site), but it didn’t worked after all.

If you are not using routing remove the base tag and meta tag below it.
Then re-save the page and try again, to preview the page in a browser. Something is not properly configured somewhere in this project.

Something is not working right. I tried deleting the base and meta tag but wappler adds it again automatically

Turn off the routing/auto add base tag in the options.

This one keeps appearing. I’ve already turned off the auto add

Please show a screenshot of the options dialog, maybe you missed some option.

Please turn routing off as well… so we can test what’s wrong with your pages and site setup.

I’ve turned it off

But the problem persists

Here is the code, i’ve tried adding after the “…/” DashboardBTS but it doesn’t work.