Routes delete not working

What do you mean locally? Make sure to upload your site to a domain where it uses the same structure as your local dev stucture.

so testing on my local server running on Mac is not going to work? It did work initially

If your local server is using the same structure as your local server it must be working just fine. Just make sure to use the generate and upload buttons so the .htaccess and routes settings are uploaded to it.

I tried that multiple times, will start everything from the beginning again… Should the routes panel be a type of tree with routes > routes > pages that load into home page or all on the same level like routes > pages?

Routes panel shows your server side routes (url rewrite) and the client side routes(views) are also displayed per page there. The views loaded on the page should be added/updated/removed using the app structure panel.

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Ok, I am doing that with insert routes in app structure panel, so it will automatically add it to the “routes panel” - I do not have to do anything besides: step 1 - add through app structure panel?

I have now redone this from scratch - 3 times following the tutorial on SPA’s to make sure and there are no client side routes(views) created in the routes panel. can it be that Wappler is broken… feel like I am going to go mad and throw something :tired_face:

I cannot manually add views to the panel and it is also not aded when using the app connect structure panel with the arrow to move content and add route code to index.

Please test on your side with latest wappler version. It did work with previous version… nothing now

This is improved now in Wappler 1.9.4