REVIEW: Integrated Version Control with Git

Have you set up a Personal Access Token in your GitHub settings? You can enter this in to Wappler so you do not have to keep signing in every time you open Wappler.

On GitHub go to Settings / Developer Settings / Personal Access Tokens, and generate a Token. Then in Wappler go to Options / Git and add your token there.


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@nshkrsh right …
@Dave I am using plesk git extension and wappler doesnt store my git password .

I’m not so sure about Plesk sorry @s.alpaslan maybe @George or @Teodor can help out?

not using GitHub.
we’re using Azure’s Git.

for us it stores neither the username nor the password.

I’m not sure personal access token would work. We have separate accounts for different projects. And I only see 1 personal access token field in the settings which will apply to Wappler globally.
Is there an option to set the token per project?

Maybe worth a Feature Suggestion Sid? :slight_smile:

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Dave-Can you give some insight on which scopes to set for basic use with Wappler? I am confused!

Is there any downside for using this feature a lot? Will it slow my app down if I have 100s of versions?

Nope. The versions are not deployed to the server. They live elsewhere.

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