REVIEW: Database Creator is here!

Very well and exiting. :+1::+1::+1: Looking forward to having visual database schema relation in form of diagram in the future (if possible). :heart_eyes:

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That’s another problem Brad, not related to the records count.
And yes - it’s still a preview so you can provide feedback :slight_smile:

Not sure what to you mean it’s not useful, but have you checked creating a table, setting a field type, making and applying changes, reverting changes? Isn’t doing anything of this without a third party app useful for you?

Live data editing is under very early preview and it is currently view only as indicated above.

You should focus on database creation and schema management initially.

I really can’t do much with it all (I know it’s still very early).

Try editing data in a table that has more than 100 or so rows It doesn’t open editor … have to quit Wappler and re-open to get it to stop.

Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 10.03.54 AM

Tried something simple like adding a new table. I get the following error on updating changes.

George, let me tell you that you and your team are geniuses


This is another “Docker style” feature.

It will take time to sell, but once sold there is no turning back. When they mentioned Navicat in the “Countdown to 3.0” post I knew they were missing the real benefits of what you were trying to implement.

Brad still doesn’t know that he wants it :smiley:

Some people say, “Give the customers what they want.” But that’s not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they’re going to want before they do. I think Henry Ford once said, “If I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, ‘A faster horse!’” People don’t know what they want until you show it to them. That’s why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page.

-Steve Jobs


Waooooow! Great Tool!!! Keep up the great work Wappler Team!!!

No human work is perfect, what you do is remarkable

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Probably true lol :wink:


I am doing an incredible job of self control to finish my current sprint before installing 2.9
It’s proving to be quite difficult because what is left is writing test specs…

Great tool but it’s crashing my Wappler, when trying to select my remote database I’m getting this:

It times out and Wappler hangs - I have to restart completely. I’m running Windows 7. I’m switching off now but will try a removal / reinstall in the moring and report back my findings…

Wow! Amazing !
Thank s thank s thank s
for new users (me) its awsome!


Just tested. My existing MYSQL primary key int is detected as Integer (without primary and unique ticked), and another, tinyint column is detected as Boolean. Set type field is detected as Native (without the Set values being displayed).

Added a new field > Boolean without default set, the result is tinyint (1), then added another field > Integer, the result is int(255). Guess I have to read more about Knex? Hopefully this will make life easier not more complicated. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sure what database are you using, but MySQL does not have built-in Boolean type - it uses TINYINT(1).

Wow great work guys! I haven’t had a chance to check it yet, but If you have a project that is using two seperate databases, are you able to configure and use both? Or just one?

You can have as many database connections as you want Baub! It picks up the ones you are using with Server Connect


stored procedures , functions etc using same icon on tree … so they are not clear for user


Yes I added a new Boolean field from Wappler and the result is Tinyint in MySQL. I think this result is as expected since my existing Tinyint is identified as Boolean in Wappler.

MySQL does not have a boolean field type, it uses TINYINT (1) for this.
So this is exactly how it is supposed to work.

We actually don’t support any other objects but tables for now. So you are in luck to see more :slight_smile:

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