Responsive Fullscreen Swiper

Sorry I missed something? How we put the text on the slides ?

Well, you need to set the text position to absolute and position it where you need it.

Ok, I checked the source code of the showcase. I thought this was possible in design view and add component.

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Quick Question, and it might be a stupid one. Everytime I add a background image to a slide, it applies to all my slides. Is there an option in the design panel to specify that I am only making changes local to that one slide and not globally for all slides?

Hi @whlrb
In order to have a different image in different slides, you will need to create a different class for each slide - or do this manually in the Styles panel, using #id in the CSS instead.

I ended up doing it manually. Thanks for the help.

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Hi @Teodor
How did you made the text animations?
I can’t make it work with Enter animation or in view animation.
the app structure is like this:


These are the swiper parallax options. Select your text/titles and add new dynamic attribute. Under Swiper Parallax category you will see:

Play wit the values to find the most suitable effect for you.


What does px-3 py-2 do in the slide text classes?

Also is there a way to make them in random order? Perhaps from a database?

I’m going to try and build one of these tonight and just trying to understand what’s going on.

These are bootstrap padding classes … the ones added on your element when you use the sliders for padding:
px-3 -> padding on x axis 3 i.e. padding-left 3 and padding-right 3
py-2 -> padding on y axis 2 i.e. padding-top 2 and padding-bottom 2

To make what in random order exactly?

The slides. So that it isn’t the same slide being first every time. Also, is it still possible to have a navigation header above and more content below the swiper?

Well yes, just use the randomize formatter.

So you don’t actually the swiper layout i used for this tutorial? Just add it on your page as you do usually, adding your content above and below it.

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Great, thanks! I will give it a go tonight.