Resource manager Custom Server setup

What would be very useful from both a system and a security standpoint is to be able to specify the user you would like to log in as to your custom server

as the default is root and that is not always the account you want to or should be using.

can I ask for a variable under the ip address to put the user such as Ubuntu for AWS EC2?

then the login would be user@server rather than root@server

Maybe check this guide and let us know if you miss anything:

yep what your missing is for instance if you create an aws server from the aws default console

if you create one using the ubuntu or aws ami you get a configured server.

when following the connect to custom provider you put in the IP

try to connect and you get the message cannot connect

this is because you try from Wappler to login as root. which is prevented.

To reproduce

create a EC2 in AWS

be sure to use an existing ssh key whtch is also in your project as the connection method

then follow the instructions.


create the ec2 with as above

login to the AWS console as ubuntu via connect

sudo -i to root
edit etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow rootuserlogin = yes and allow public key login
now edit /root/.ssh/authorized_keys to remove the first line until you get to your ssh key save
restart sshd

now you ca login and configure the server

however if you can login as say the allowed account ubuntu then you don’t need the workaround this could be accomplished by making he user a variable set with the ip address

I will see that we add also a user field so you can specify other user accounts than root like ubuntu

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thank you very much it will be a great help

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That’s now available in Wappler 6 beta 11. You can specify a user, when setting up a custom server.

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