Remove containers outlines

Hi there,

Is it possible to remove the outline around the containers (marked in red)?

Thank you.

Can you post your code for your container? Looks like you might have a background color set to bg-danger or something.

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You can setup these in the general settings:

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Thank you Brad for your help and for the Teodor tip about posting code.
The red line was drawn by me to show the outline.

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Thank you Teodor for the tip.
The red line was drawn by me to show the outline.

So the red line was drawn by you? I’m not sure what outline you are meaning then. Can you provide a link to the page? Does the outline show up in a browser or just in Wappler?

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As i explained in my post - the outlines and help lines can be controlled in the General settings > Design View.

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Sorry are you talking about the help lines in Design view or something else?

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Select your container and set your padding settings to 0.

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 9.28.08 AM

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I tried this Brad. Maybe I´m not doing it right.

I tried Teodor.

Something else Teodor. I tried to remove the Margins to allow the vertical white lines to contact the borders.

Maybe provide a link to your page where we can see what do you mean.

You missed a padding 0 on one of your Navbar texts with an image inside and the very first Navbar text also is the same

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This is the container inside the Navbar if you are struggling to find the padding you can try just copy paste this:

<div class="container-fluid border-0 rounded-0 mt-n5 mb-0 ms-0 me-0 pt-0 pb-0 ps-0 pe-0">

                    <span class="navbar-text mt-0 mb-0 ms-auto pt-0 pb-0">
                        <img src="assets/images/pipe.JPG" height="35" width="1" class="mt-0 mb-0">
                    </span><span class="navbar-text small text-light style9 mt-0 mb-0 ms-1 me-2 pt-0 pb-0 ps-2 pe-2"><i class="fas fa-question"></i></span>

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Teodor this what is published.
su_x (

This is what I want to achieve:

The navbar-text elements you are using have default padding top and bottom:

.navbar-text {
    padding-top: 0.5rem;
    padding-bottom: 0.5rem;

so you can override this in your custom css css/style.css:

.navbar-text {
    padding-top: 0;
    padding-bottom: 0;

make sure to include it after the bootstrap css in the page head tags.

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Thank you for the tip Sorry_Duh

Great Tip Teodor.
Thank you for your great help. Problem fixed su_x (
In DW it was easy find the bootstrap defaults. In Wappler this part isn´t indented…
Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you all for the effort to help me to give this first steps.