Relative links are not being saved correctly and not displaying as intended on browser

I am new to Wappler and had set-up a couple of dynamic pages that connects to a database with registration and login forms. In Wappler, the pages seems to display properly with the styles as expected. However when I preview the page on the browser, I get a totally different display, seemingly without any styles and my dmx actions do not work such as alerts. When I enter data to the form inputs and press submit, nothing happens. Upon a close look at the code, I noticed that all my relative links including dmx and css links at the head section all starts with a “/” which should not be there since my page is located at the root. I tried deleting the slash on the links then saving, but Wappler keeps adding it back. When I set-up the target and browsing to the correct folder, the folders are also automatically displayed with a “/” first. Am I missing something here? The file manager goes to my root folder so it appears to be set-up fine.

Sounds like there may be some files missing on your server, try publishing the entire site.

Also when you say your FTP points to the root, is that your ftp root or the web root, they are often different, Often the web root is a folder like www, public_html, htdocs or similar, the ftp root is where you go when no web folder is specified

I’m sorry, I forgot to mention that I’m just working off my local computer right now, so not FTP.

So you have a local server on your machine and you a\re running on localhost having set up a server target?

Yes. I am using XAMP.

I was having issues connecting to my host so I opted to work locally first until I got that resolved.

Can we see your local and XAMP configuration? Sounds like there may be a server configuration issue.

Also double check your configuration is set to relative to document as it is acting as if it is set to relative to root

Sorry for the delayed response. Since I am a new user, I am not able to upload a copy of the file, nor can I paste it here because of some “# of links” limitation.

I did have the the configuration set to “relative to root” so it works now that I changed it to “relative to document”. Thanks for that!

I’m checking to see if the form works now.

The forms are still not working and the alert displayed instead of showing up only on “success” of form submission. Also the field for “password” which has a minimum character limit keeps showing a red-bordered field regardless of whether I have satisfied the requirements or not.

Please cancel my last requests. I’m going to play around a bit and figure out what is going on in my pages. It will be easier to troubleshoot, now that I can preview on the browser. Thank you for your help.

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