Reference field type losing table name

Wappler Version : 7. Beta 7
Operating System : MacOS Seqouia 15.0.1
Server Model: NodeJS on local docker
Database Type: PostGreSQL 15.3.x
Hosting Type: Local docker

Not sure if it is a bug or not?

Expected behavior

When referencing an ID from another multireference or suitable the table name should not disappear on schema refresh.

Please see the quick video for the issue.

Actual behavior

DB loses the name of the table when referencing to an ID from another suitable or multi reference table. Sometime, I can't even reference another multiref or suitable without expanding all the tables - see video for details.

How to reproduce

Try to reference an ID from a multi reference or suitable to another table.

Bump. Database Manager has several problems lately.

I noticed when tables are expanded the table name reappears.

@George - please look into it when possible. Thanks.
