Redis Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN redis

Thank you for the replies Apple! I really appreciate it - I’ve not been able to make any progress and need an external Redis so I can scale horizontally.

I can confirm that Redis is running, logs are clear without error and if I ping the Redis CLI I get ‘Pong’ in return, so there doesn’t appear to be any crashing. It’s just my server logs reported the connection issue.

The error appears to be a networking/auth issue - or perhaps there is a conflict as Wappler appears to be running two Redis containers (I noted as much here in this post: Setting up Managed Redis External DB for prod - having issues, please help! - #5 by mgaussie while looking for team support). I’m a bit stuck as I’m not a professional developer, so knowing where or what to look for during more advanced debugging is a challenge!