Query Builder Bug in Joins when using various operators

In Query Builder I add my first table, then add a second table, choose INNER JOIN, and it chooses the correct fields for me, and the preview of the SQL itself looks great, but if I change the operator from “equal” to “not equal” or “less than or equal” then the SQL statement breaks in the last part of the join

Should be as an example
… INNER JOIN mytable_b ON (mytable_b.foreignkey != mytable_a.primarykey)
But actually does this
… INNER JOIN mytable_b ON ()

If i change back to equal it puts it back, or less, or greater, but breaks with the others.

I can confirm this as a bug.

Same thing happens when using Not Equal to, Greater or Equal and Less than or Equal.

Works fine for Equals, Less Than and Greater Than.

So @psweb, you are not going crazy. :wink:

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Thank you @brad, really appreciate that.

This has been fixed in version 1.2.3.