PSA: NWJS crashes big time with MacOS Monterey Beta

And by that I mean that Wappler stable branch will not work in the new MacOS beta until Mr. Nwjs does something about it. Or any other desktop app based on it for that matter.

Wappler Beta, on the other side, works with Monterey Beta.

It’s a beta thing, you wouldn’t understand.

Ah well NWJS will soon be forgotten :slight_smile:


We must be getting close to a release candidate or do you have more tricks up your sleeve you haven’t revealed yet? :beers:

When I saw PSA in the heading of this topic, it reminded me of the last chat that I had with my specialist.

All is well in case you are interested.

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Just wanted to let you know guys, that Wappler 4.2.0 (all 4.0+ versions) are working fine on MacOS Monterey.