Project settings ftp test connection

Same problem came back today! It wasn’t Avast. It wasn’t McFee. It was Malwarebytes Premium. I added the Wappler folder to the "allow list and I was able to connect again.

How many different virusscanners do you have running?

Hello George

Yes it sound like overkill on one computer but same prob on 2

Avast and malware bytes on one home computer

Mcfee and malware bytes on work computer

Just posted it in case anyone else has same issue


If you want a friendly advise throw all those scamware “antivirus” programs away and use just Windows defender. It is more than enough and your pc will be fast again.

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Thanks George - I have always relied on anti virus programs and never considered otherwise. I will have to reevaluate it. kinda scared to stray.

Windows defender is a very good antivirus solution delivered with windows itself by Microsoft. It is also regularly updated and very powerful.

Big difference is that it doesn’t slows down your system like the other solutions as it is kind of integrated in windows. And it is free!

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So i googled it PC world agrees with you. Windows has come a long way. Thanks for pointing it out.

Norman Clifton

Mr. Print