Project settings ftp test connection

in project settings I am unable to connect to any of my wappler websites
I tested in dreamweaver and was able to connect - see screentshots
it just hangs

here is one project wappler settings

dreamweaver settings

Please restart Wappler with logging, reproduce the problem and attach the debug log. See:

thanks but that was the dreamweaver interface that had no web url in it and it works for connecting.
the wappler has a web url - and it does not connect
all my websites are failing to connect and I have not made any changes to them

Do you have some antivirus/firewall software on your computer? Probably it is blocking Wappler from connecting …
Try disabling it temporarily if that’s the case.

windows right click does not show me that option?

also wappler is installed inC:\Users\norm\AppData\Local\Wappler\Wappler.exe
I would thought it would have been installed o=in a c:/windows/progra/ files folder?

I disabled avast and that didnt do it

Avast is usually causing lots of issues. Try fully disabling it (make sure there are no avast services running), restart Wappler and test the connection again.

i went into task manager and turned off avast wherever i could 0 it does show main service is stopped- however some denied me access

still not connecting "testing connection just spins

I’ve checked the error event in our error reporting system and it is related exactly with an antivirus software blocking Wappler from running its ftp tools.

Please make sure to exclude the whole Wappler install folder from your antivirus tools, there should be an option to add an exception there.

same thing happening on my work computer using McFee anti virus
wappler is on - i checked and there no options to include entire folder

i turned off firewall in McFee and tried again

and that didn’t work either

This is the same problem, it’s not Wappler exe that is blocked, it’s a component Wappler uses that gets blocked by your antivirus software, that’s why i suggested to exclude the whole installation folder.
I see the same error

Error: Error launching WinPTY agent: ConnectNamedPipe failed: Windows error 232

in our error report system from the** IP address.

If you google this error you can see many cases where both mcafee and avast are causing this.

I added folder exceptions to avast and even added allowed app to avast = still having same issues. also when wappler opened did system check and it just hangs - I am at a loss — so whats the next step?

unable to up[load changes to any of my sites. Only Wappler has this problem. Dreamweaver connects

Hi Norm,

The problem is still the same - i see the error logs from your account on our error log system:

Error: Error launching WinPTY agent: ConnectNamedPipe failed: Windows error 232

This is still caused by your antivirus software blocking Wappler components.

So what can i do i have disabled avast and it does not help. What do u suggest?

Norman Clifton

Mr. Print

It seems that it’s not disabled, as it’s causing the same issue.

New update for wappler resolved it on my work computer

With the Mcfee Antivirus on – wasn’t working yesterday

Home computer with avast now also connecting after wappler and windows 10 updates.
all exceptions I added to were removed from avast -= all good