Problems sending email

I’m trying to send an email with SendGrid based on the Monde des Chefs tutorial.
My send_email api produces the Debug error “Cannot find module ‘nodemailer’ …”

I checked the project ‘package.json’ for the nodemailer in dependencies and it’s there: “nodemailer”: “^6.7.1”
All the files mentioned in the error report e.g. lib/modules/mail.js etc. are in the project folder and the correct sub-folders.
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

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I had this problem. Are you using Docker? I solved the problem by clicking the “Deploy” button. Let me know if it works!

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Hi - that’s brilliant. It works. And yes, I am using Docker.
Thanks so much for your suggestion. I wouldn’t have thought of that - I guess I should. Live and learn! Thanks again.