Problems creating database connections

Hi I just upgraded to the the new 3.5.0 version, however I noticed that the database connections no longer have the option to set a new connection, edit, link or load from a list.

Did the functionality changed? if so what is the new way to work with this?

@mymdsdigital, as part of the 3.5.0 update, certain things were moved to Globals so that they can be globally used throughout Server Connect without having to re-add them each time you add a new item.

The database connection was one of the items moved to Global. Please check out Wappler 3.5.0 Released for the rest of the changes in the update. :slight_smile:


Hi @scott,

do your db connection works? Mine from upgrade did not. Also if I put experimental features off…

@updates, no, my database connection does not work. The turn off the experimental features and restart Wappler was a tip in a different topic.

I have been monitoring the topics and responses and have seen various responses, so depending on the nature of a person’s post, I either respond with what I have seen or if I don’t know, I don’t respond.

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Same issue here. Closed project, turned off Experimental features & Quit Wappler. Restart Wappler and everything working again as expected. Hope this helps :v:

EDIT: Never thought about it before but the having the option as a user to turn experimental features on and off is a much better option then reinstalling or reverting to a previous version. Kudos to the Wappler Team :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


Fixed in Wappler 3.5.2

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