Problem with insert after upload

It seems to me no value is sent from the g-recaptcha-response

Check with Chrome, please there you can see the Form Data section.

OK, in Chrome i found it

So this answers @patrick’s question:

Is the file DMXzone.reCAPTCHA2.dll located in you Bin folder?

If it is missing, here the file: (4.0 KB)

Yes, I have that dll.
If I overwrite it with your version, it seems that the form works.
Now I test better.

I can’t explain this to myself:
for three different websites, yesterday I replaced the files you sent me and tried sending from form … tested: everything ok!
This morning for the same three sites the submission was not working again.
Copied again DMXzone.reCAPTCHA2.dll and DMXzone.reCAPTCHA2.pdb
Sending back working.

That is really strange, never heard of such a problem. Were the files overwritten by an other version or did they just stop working?

They all stopped working (tested now on a fourth site). All in the same way.
Before overwrite the files you sent me, I get this error:

  "message": "La chiave specificata non era presente nel dizionario.",
  "lastAction": {
    "name": "recaptcha",
    "module": "recaptcha",
    "action": "validate",
    "options": {
      "secret": "6LfuB4EcAAAAAErPQ9q9qLZFwONs2yfxlO3P49-d"
  "orgException": {
    "ClassName": "System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException",
    "Message": "La chiave specificata non era presente nel dizionario.",
    "Data": null,
    "InnerException": null,
    "HelpURL": null,
    "StackTraceString": "   in System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()\r\n   in System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)\r\n   in DMXzone.ServerConnect.App.Execute(JToken action) in C:\\Develop\\Server Connect\\ASPNET_Source\\DMXzone Server Connect\\App.cs:riga 371\r\n   in DMXzone.ServerConnect.ServerConnect.ExecuteAction(JToken action) in C:\\Develop\\Server Connect\\ASPNET_Source\\DMXzone Server Connect\\ServerConnect.cs:riga 235",
    "RemoteStackTraceString": null,
    "RemoteStackIndex": 0,
    "ExceptionMethod": "8\nThrowKeyNotFoundException\nmscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089\nSystem.ThrowHelper\nVoid ThrowKeyNotFoundException()",
    "HResult": -2146232969,
    "Source": "mscorlib",
    "WatsonBuckets": null

You get that error when the code can’t find the recaptcha module (the dll file). Our code gets all the registered/installed modules and when a module is missing you’ll get this error. I can’t explain why this error would show when the dll file is in the Bin folder, especially when it first works and then just stops working.

Yes, you’re right, I can’t explain it.
as I already told you, yesterday everything worked.
Three sites tested online, one tested on localhost, same problem.
It only concerns the catpcha part, because if I remove it from the form, the data is sent even without overwriting the two files

How do you upload files? Docker/FTP…

Are you replacing the file directly on the server or in the project folder on your local machine? Just wondering if it works when you replace on the server but then It’s overwritten by the local corrupted one when you next publish.

I am using Filezilla.
I overwrite the file in the local folder and then upload it by FTP
If it had happened to me only for a project I would have immediately thought I was wrong, but the fact that all the work I did yesterday gave me the problem leaves me… doubtful

This morning I tried the form submission.
It doesn’t work again. :frowning:
I immediately checked the date of the files on FTP, which are those of yesterday morning (I had overwritten them)


i think i will have to turn off the recaptcha check for now.
I can’t have to overvrite every day

I assume that it runs on an IIS server. Check the Application Pool settings, try playing around with the recycling options. My guess is that it happens after the Application Pool is recycled, but never heard that a DLL then stops working.

Resolved after you update DLL Recaptcha


Sounds to me like you were replacing the dll on the remote server itself and not in your local Wappler project, so each time it syncs the local files back to the server it overwrites with the old file again.