Problem Updating Wappler on MacOS

Sorry for posting this I feel like its a user issue as it happened last time but then was fine but I can’t install the new version of wappler, I’m on a mac

heres the error


and here is my operating system info


I have has the same on the last 2 or 3 updates, I had to uninstall and reinstall each time

Same here.

Pretty sure it also happened before Catalina update so may not be related to that

The update gets downloaded to ~/Library/Application Support/Wappler/temp, there should be a dmg file. Try to open the file from the finder, it is possible that the download was corrupt. If it doesn’t open then you have to download the new version from our website. Please let us know what kind of errors you get when you open it from the finder.

I just walked through the System Preferences/Security/Privacy/Location Services and verified all the items listed. I found several there after the upgrade to Catalina that needed to be updated. Just by clicking each, they were changed without any action on my part. One by one, when I clicked on the checkbox, there where obvious changes.

I then went through all the other items in this area Contacts, etc. After going through each and closing the System Preferences, I had to force restart the Mac. – for it seemed to be weirdly non-responsive.

Once it was restarted, and I logged in, it appears to have cleared up several items with Wappler.

  1. Wappler launcher always ended up in the Dock. So it was always showing up in the top menu and the Dock below right beside the Wappler app icon.
  2. Now when I click the Wappler in the top menu, the notification shows up as it should when I click Check for Updates…

It appears that the upgrade of macOS to Catalina resets more than first suspected. Especially in regard to Wappler.

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Same here. I had to uninstall and reinstall.Wappler

I’ve had the same message now on the last few updates. Originally I updated to Catalina but have since done a full clean install. Both before and after the clean install in Catalina I saw the message.

Mine made another error when installing 2.3.5 but the install did work and now it seams fine

This is still happening with 2.4.1

It is a pain to uninstall and reinstall every time there is an update. If it is not fixed I, and I’m sure others, will stop applying updates which means you will not have as many people using and helping improve the latest version. I would imagine it will make support more difficult as there is a good reason why people aren’t on the latest version.

Please resolve it :kissing_heart:

Yes we resolved it in 2.4.1 but you will see the result with the next update as it is now active.


This has been improved in Wappler 2.4.2

Sorry Guys


Did you had the previous 2.4.1 running before the update? There is where the fix was implemented for the next updates.

Same problem, same error here with 2.4.2
with Catalina on Mac

The problem I have is that I have Wappler set to launch when I start my Mac.

So, by being launched then it automatically looks for an Update
Wappler finds the Update & pops up the NOTIFICATION in the right hand of my screen must be acted upon within maybe 10 seconds.

I ask to Download. Notification disappears.

When the Notification appears again to offer me INSTALL NOW I must be alert to click it quickly

I subsequently get the Install error message everyone else reports.

It made sense to me that because Wappler current version was open I should have had it closed before the Install option.

But I have a Catch-22 –
It is only when Wappler is opened that I get an Upgrade Available Notification.
If I close Wappler after asking for the Upgrade then the INSTALL Notification doesn’t happen.

& I can’t go to my Mac notifications & see either an Upgrade Notification in the Mac system to click nor
an INSTALL NOW Notification in the Mac system that I can execute without Wappler Running.

I don’t get the Upgrade Notification & don’t get the Install Notification if Wappler is NOT Running.

Wappler INSTALLS only if I then restart my laptop & Wappler re-starts.
Then I see the Update activated.

But this is a Hacky way to fulfill the task.

The update is executed from the previous version, was your previous version 2.4.1 or was it an older one. With 2.4.1 it should be improved, when you had an older version installed then it is the old bug.

I updated with 2.4.1 the day it was released.

I now have 2.4.2 installed – again by re-launching & after getting the same error message people are reporting.

I might add that not everybody installs Wappler in the same file path.
Maybe if the upgrade can check first where Wappler is installed that is NOT the Default it expects then that location can be dynamically changed to match the current Installation on each user’s computer.

I just checked Security settings & it would appear that Wappler is authorized to use the data it needs to find out upgrade/install paths on my Mac

I see on my Mac that /Wappler/ does not exist in /Library/Application Support/Wappler

Perhaps other users commenting here should check to see if a /Wappler folder is not in their /Application Support folder.

Here is the Actual location path on my Mac to find that 2.4.2 update
But note from the HD drive it is contained inside the Users folder.
There are 2 User profiles set up but I always login as default Admin profile at "apo2015"

So the /Library path has 2 different locations depending on the profile in use when I installed Wappler the first time.

Maybe the Upgrade Install is not taking this information into account. Because it is only when Wappler is RESTARTED that the correct HD path is loaded to install the latest Wapper upgrade .dmg file.

I have never had the issue before, but today i tried updating from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 and got the same error as reported. Downloaded the file manually, got the md5 checksum of 611718dbddeea5b2d8e6745e724a8737, compared that checksum to what was in my ~/Library/Application\ Support/Wappler/temp/ folder, and noted they were different.

I deleted the .dmg file from the temp folder, clicked check for updates, clicked Download Now, waited about 5 minutes for the popup, click more… Install Now, and everything went as before, installed and working great.