Wappler Extensibility - Writing Custom Modules and Formatters for Server Connect

But it could be something very small and basic but performs an awesome task and is easy to dissect and see how it’s done.


For example… The first module I’m thinking of creating is one which creates a sitemap.xml file live using queries. SC already does most of the work, it’s just the writing of the XML file which can’t be done at the moment. But my thinking is that now we can create such a module.


Is it right this way?

It didn’t work, what did I do wrong? @patrick

When you just write a new Hjson file describing the UI, you can hit the reload icon in Server Connect toolbar to load the new definition.

If you don’t have a Hjson file you won’t see anything new on the UI :slight_smile:

should the name be the same?
it could be very good if you made a video showing how to do

So can someone technically use this to implement a pouchdb module?

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yes by nodejs

PouchDB needs much deeper database integration in Wappler and we are working on it, so it is coming up.


Would it make sense to use sub-folders inside? Specially when people start adding extensions from others. It will improve structure specially if you need a js, an hjson and optionally other files and for a future zip packaging feature.

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A post was split to a new topic: UI Improvements

I just noticed that Enum advanced display docs are missing.

Another small improvement I think will help a lot with readability.
Same as you have a blue string for core modules like “set value” to show the name
Could you add the “name” as a string to the SC steps and bindings picker window for custom modules?


Yes you can, just use as title:

Module title: @@var(nameVar)@@

Where nameVar is the variable name you want to display

Perfect. Thanks!

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A thing that would be cool for the future is to be able to populate droplists from outside sources
by defining in the hjson file a call to a helper function in the module js file. This helper would call the external source(API, file, etc) and populate the dropdown with the data it returns.

i.e. API Modules

I was about to start creating a module for Sendgrid and I wanted to be able to populate a dropdown with the transactional email templates.

Therefore I would need to call with the helper this endpoint and return the results to the droplist.

This would allow cool integrations.


Having also extensive output schema can also be challenging to define. For example if you want to wrap a good API in a module like stripe or the google APIs they return pretty large outputs


Hello @George ,
custom module and formatter (client -side) will be add in near future ?

They are added Serhat - that is what this post explains.

ohh so sory I mean client side

Hi @George / @patrick . Is there a flag to enable the pencil icon like in Set Value?