Poll: Where do you hash passwords?

Where do you hash user passwords?

I usually hash on server side. But, I’ve been reading about how some people suggest hashing on client-side because it protects against programmer errors.

Some suggest both. Got me wondering how others here do it.

  • Server Side (only)
  • Client Side (only)
  • Server and Client sides (both)

0 voters

Nearly everyone does it server-side, except if you’re building an end-to-end encrypted app in which case the decryption process happens client-side and therefore the hash is generated client-side.

Doing the hashes client-side because “it protects against programmer errors” is a new one :slight_smile: What stops someone from making mistakes client-side?


For me I do a hash client-side and remove the plain text password from the form on submit. The reason is just a basic precaution (and certainly not foolproof) against someone having a detached dev inspector open in the background and easily viewing the form payloads if they’ve allowed someone to use their computer. The main hash (argon) is done server-side still

What @bpj said is one reason.

Like I said, I hash on server side, but one article I read was pretty interesting.

The programmer errors there was talking about were like when Facebook accidentally logged plaintext or when Twitter did the same thing.

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Nothing against client-side hashes :slight_smile: Sorry if I looked blunt on my initial answer

I was a big proponent of end-to-end encryption and therefore client-side hashing. With time I realized no one really cared and I just went with the most common approach (server-side hashing)

Does Wappler provides a way to perform client-side hashing? If not, one could do a custom formatter to do such hashing

:grinning: I didn’t find it too blunt. I like straightforward comments anyway.

As far as I know there isn’t a straight way to do it. But, you could create a var that the password field updates and then you hash that var. Just a guess.

Not that I’ll do it. :rofl:

There’s no client-side crypto formatters at the moment. I did submit a FR a LONG time ago:

It is easy, though, to use a javascript function on submit (I use the crypto-js library - you need to include it on the page). I prefer not to use a formatter as I want the function to not only create the hash but also clear the plain-text version.

function pwhashsend() {
    var cp = document.getElementById('plain_pw'); // plain password input
    var np = document.getElementById('enc_pw'); // hidden password input (encrypted) to be used
    var p = cp.value;
    var hp = CryptoJS.SHA512(p);
    cp.value = '';
    np.value = hp;
    return true;

on the form element use

onsubmit ="return pwhashsend()"
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LOL Programmers… we are weird…

Us: We definitely prefer to hash passwords server-side.

Also us: But, let’s discuss how we could do it client-side anyway.

:smiley: :rofl: