PHP error with oauth2

Can you please share an updated Google Authentication for wappler please.
I still can’t make mine to work based on the forum tutorial.

Ok, sharing the main steps, assuming you’ve done the Google Cloud setup already.

In the Globals, have the jwt setup, after you do the right setup on your Google Cloud Services:

Value in the Claims section:

In the oauth of Globals:

Create an API action with the following flow (it’s based on an existing forum tutorial):


Hope this helps.

Hi, thanks for the details but where can I find the “Issuer”, “audience” and “Key” for the JWT inputs.

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My bad, sorry, have done this setup months ago and don’t remember all the details, you don’t need JWT, only oauth:

Hi, so should I follow only from the OAuth2 step !?
I am trying to create a log in using google and can’t find a way for months now :frowning: followed all forum tutorials on the subject and can’t find a clean straight fwrd follow through tutorial that works.
Any help would be very appreciated.


I’ve followed this tutorial

…and made some fixes (as per my sharing above)

I followed that one and it gives me this error :

Are you using a custom db query in your server action?

How is your join set up exactly - please post a screenshot? Also how did you manage to create a db query using a basic license?

I followed these steps : Using OAuth2 Connector with Google

As i already asked:

Sorry but I am not very experienced with the nomenclature experienced people use,
this is workflow:

In the query builder you have set up a database tables join. How did you set it up? Open the join editor and just make a screenshot of how is it set up!

Why did you join the table with itself then? What are you trying to do here?

I doubt you need this join here, and the error you pasted above is related to this query.

I am not interested in the insert step.
I was asking about the database query as the error is coming from it and you have a weird join added there. Check my previous reply.

not sure how this was created since I only have “users” in my database

Well … in order for this to happen you need to add the same table over and over again in the query builder and set up the joins i see there.

Make sure the table is added only once in the query builder, without any joins.
Just recreate the query step and add only the table you need, only once.