Pass front-end variable back to server post variable

Hi guys - again I might be getting myself a little confused here and overthinking it. I’ve been following @ben excellent tutorial on building a wappler cart. I’m now looking at posting the information stored in the app connect session manager back to the database. I’ve played about with variables in app connect etc, but I just can’t seem to get the two to connect. My thoughts were to populate hidden text inputs with this data, but that just doesn’t seem the right way -especially as I have a keyed array.

Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you for your feedback.

I am working on that as we speak. Hope to have it finished within the next couple of days.

Not sure you cracked it @craigb, but have a look at this thread - Send nested JSON with server-side API

Took a while for me to understand and make it work, but you will have to name the hidden input fields in a particular way to POST json like structure from your front-end form to server connect.

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Populating hidden text inputs is the way to go.

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Hi All,

I realise this is an old post, but I am trying to do the same thing. I have a form that I submit which executed a database insert action however I would like to store another table ID in this table which I can access but can’t seem to send to the server. I can do it via a hidden text input but this doesn’t seem like an elegant solution. Any tips?

Hi Ben,

Did you ever get this to work without form inputs?