$parent.$parent bug

I’m getting $paren.$parent values when I add sub level Server Bindings which is not working. That’s a quite old bug, Can you pelase fix it?

By the way is $parent working?

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I always delete all the $parents as I understand they are only necessary if there is a name clash at different levels.

They also cause problems if you move things to a different level in the structure where more or less $parents are needed.

I’m not sure what the best solution for the Wappler team is!

I think $parent is ok as you see the level where it’s aiming. The problem is that $parent.$parent is added but not working.

Was the $parent.$parent being generated by the picker?

Seeing the tree structure I understand why there are 2 $parent, each repeater creates it’s own data scope and $parent is used to access the parent scope. You where 2 scopes deep and the variable you want to access is on the root scope, so 2 scopes higher.

Problem is that the $parent is a big buggy with multiple scopes and it is actually not really needed, when a variable is not found in the current scope it will automatically search for it in the parent scope, just like in JavaScript. Just use without any $parent unless you have a variable with the same name is the scope you are in and need to access the one in the parent. Perhaps George can prevent the $parent from being generated in the picker.

Thanks Patrick. Yes it’s been generated by the picker

This will be fixed in this week’s update.

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This has been fixed in Wappler 3.6.0

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