Output for debugging only

Big bump on this one @patrick… something simple to fix this issue feels very very important for those of us who are building real, server connect heavy apps!

Would it be preferred to control this per server action or would it also be okay when we just output all actions in debug mode?

If you’re adding a global option (whether it’s per server action or everything), could a line be included in the output to remind us that setting is on?

If you output everything, some queries can return too much data so it is evicted from the developer console (still accessible via dmx.app.data though), but more problematic some things like blobs can break the JSON structure

I think outputting everything in debug mode would be too simple a solution for me. An “Output all” switch per server action would be great.

So when the switch is on, everything outputs.
When it is off, just those with the output option checked will output.

What would also be great is that if debug is off, this “output all” option does not happen, even if the switch has been left on.

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I had always envisioned a toggle per server api. If just using the server debug toggle, I fear new users will wonder why their app breaks when moving to production or turning off debug. In other words, they don’t realize that the output tick of a specific action is what really controls the output that is used at the client.

To be clear, I am not advocating for a toggle per api exec step, just one toggle per api.