OAuth2 Facebook Login How To Assistance


oh! ok. Thanks! @TomD

@AdrianoLuiz Change www.dev.dibudet.com.br to dev.dibudet.com.br. If that does not work, try dibudet.com.br

You may enter more than one domain there.

yes thanks

“error”: {
“message”: “An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.”,
“type”: “OAuthException”,
“code”: 2500,
“fbtrace_id”: “AemfmW5vpCQJtbOQg3jLx_Q”


yes, I ran into that quite often, do what Patrick suggested.

In the OAuth2 Provider set the Token Handling to Self Maintain . Leave the Access Token and Refresh Token empty. This will force users to always login and not to reuse the access token.


Client Credentials must be checked

One suggestion I would make is to keep a continuous list of test users. You can get up to 200 (I believe) and you get them by clicking on Roles in the Facebook Developer App website.


After you create a test user, make sure to click on edit and change the password so you will be able to login with that account. I would recommend using a different browser so you can test there.

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Don’t forget to add the email to scopes as well, as you will need the email for log in probably:

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What other data can I get?
besides the email

Well, i suggest you to check Facebook documentation … it’s not really related to Wappler.


Grants your app access to the default fields of the User object that are a subset of a person’s public profile:

  • id
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • middle_name
  • name
  • name_format
  • picture
  • short_name

If you want to get some data like Picture, add it here:

email, name, picture



how did you test the server action in the browser?

@Teodor: Did this walkthrough ever get created? It sounds awesome

I’m waiting too

This tutorial video is more anticipated than the iphone launch in 2007… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


how do you call “It” in the Browser?

Here’s a tutorial explaining how to use Oaut2 Provider with Facebook:

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Following the steps to include facebook social login to my app but I keep getting an error. In the url string there is no client_id value.
I am wondering why this happens, could it be that the module in wappler? or is it facebook?